
This website is dedicated to the cultivation and self-realization of the Yogic Wisdom and Kabbalistic Knowledge of Dr. Serge Raynaud De La Ferriere, the founder of the Universal Great Brotherhood and Sat Guru of the Age of Aquarius. In the light of his original teachings we are laser focused on restoring and actualizing the full spectrum knowledge of his transcendental vision.

Our Laser Vision of the New Clair-voyant Laser Logic Transfigures the New Age Knowledge Worker, Universally Educates him or her and Reorganizes the Triple Helix of Relations between Open Universities, Governments and Industries.


LaserEdu.org is an Open Educational Resource Service Provider dedicated to the formation of: The Universally Educated Person and the Revelation of the Transfigurational Power of the Laser. LaserEdu.org's mission is to establish a coherent educational organization that re-educates the new age knowledge workers of all professions with the full spectrum knowledge-base of the Trivium and Quadrivium (the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences) via the Open Educational Resource Consortium (http://www.oeconsortium.org/).

LaserEdu.org's mission is to liberate--through the 7 liberal arts and sciences--the knowledge worker from the disabling ignorance of indoctrination and specialization and give access to the New Clairvoyant Laser Logic. Indoctrination is the opposite of education because it informs, instructs, and imposes filters on the mind, channeling the thinking into specific thought forms. This process disables the critical faculty or judgement, imprisoning the mind in those thought forms. The word education in contrast comes from the Latin educatus or educere which means to draw out the full potential of the embedded information in the neurons (DNA). The neuron is like the plant seed that when placed in a fertile educational environment will fructify like a ripened fruit and actualize its full potential. Genuine intellectual development gives us access to the universal, but specialization is the opposite of universalization. The virtue of specialization is that it makes knowledge productive, useful and converts it into a creative tool with which we create all our technologies. "Specialties must be understood for what they are: serious, rigorous, demanding disciplines," as Peter Drucker states in Management Revised Edition Chapter 48: The Educated Person.  However, the vice of specialization is that the knowledge worker knows more and more about less and less producing a disabling ignorance that destroys him or her, humanity and the planet.

The best example, we know of the twin problem of indoctrination and specialization is perhaps modern medicine. Medical doctors go through the longest schooling process, which is 12 to 16 years. 4 for pre-med, 4 for med school, 4 for clinical residency and up to 4 more years for specialization. They graduate with the Hippocratic oath, to knowingly do no harm, but with little or no training in nutrition when in fact, the father of medicine himself based his medicine on whole foods, “let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.” What is the societal result of this intensive and extensive 16 year "education?" According to: The Vital Statistics Report 50(16) (2002), reported by Anderson RN and cited by The China Study (The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted) by Dr. T. Colins Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD, the three leading causes of death in the USA are the results of bad foods, medical care and pharmaceutical drugs:

1) Diseases of the heart (710,760). caused by animal fat, vegetal fat and trans-fat.

2) Cancer (malignant neoplasm) (553,091) caused mostly by the animal protein in dairies

3) Medical Care, number of American per year who die from medication (7,400), unnecessary surgery (12,000), other preventable errors in Hospitals (20,000), Hospital borne infections (80,000), adverse drug effects (106.000), the grand total is 225,400. 

A very similar story can be found with the training of lawyers who produce congressional bills that harm the American people through our government. There are also Engineers who produce toxic chemicals that harm people and the environment. Financiers who deliberately keep the vast populations of the world in poverty and students in debt. Educational managers who limit the spectrum of essential knowledge that humanity needs in order to live a healthy, wealthy and wise life. This is why we need the liberating power of the mind that a genuine and integrated liberal arts and sciences education provides.

Through this universal curriculum we will raise humanity's consciousness to the spiritual and vibrational science of the Initiatic Tradition enabling us to awaken our 3rd Eye to the New Clairvoyant Laser Logic. This New Clairvoyant Laser Logic emerged from the founder's meditation as the central curriculum for LaserEdu.org’s mission within the OER community. This transcendental ideographic idea came to him after 34 years of persistent study, research and meditation on the Kabbalah of Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere and its integration to the YUG YOGA YOGHISM (YYY) his great work. 

Thanks to the Simplified Kundalini Yoga system of Vethathiri Maharishi, the founder of LaserEduLogics realized how the French Esoteric School of Kabbalah with Raymond Abellio and others approached the biomagnetic energetic system of our bodies and mind. They initiate the inner work with the Awakening of Kundalini in the Muladhara Chakra and raise the Maha Kundhalini Shakti to the Ajna Chakra (the 6th) activating third eye channel that is centered in the I AM SPIRIT PRESENCE of Daath or the Shekinah. After one week,the Guru gives you a second Initiation with his magnetic hands and descends the Divine Grace back down to the Muladhara, stabalizing and balancing the biomagnetic circulation safely. After about a month, a third Initiation with the Guru's magnetic eyes activates the Pineal gland or Turiya. This initiation illuminates the one thousand petals or nerves in the brain, preparing the 7th Chakra for the full awakening of Kundalini.

We are doing a parallel inner work with Raymond Abellio's Kabbalistic system which is centered on all the numerological, Hebrew semantical and transcendental phenomenological operations of the Living presence of Ehieh Asher Ehieh (I am what I am) within the Absolute Structure of the Tree of Life, a N-dimensional celestial sphere in which he established his New Gnostic Logic. All this was very abstract to me until our translation (French to English) work of the Yug Yoga Yoghism made me ask: how do we concretely integrate Abellio's Kabbalah into Dr. Raynaud de la Ferriere’s Yoga program? The answer came through the Holy Trinity of Universal Magnetism, Biomagnetism and the Electro-Magnetism of the Seven Senses.

Now we can biomagnetically understand what Abellio meant in his book: La Fin d’Esoterism. "The key problem of esotericism at the same time as its end is the transfiguration of the world in man... It is the great paradox of esoterism that its cathedral is rebuilt by beginning from the rooftop:" and he supported his approach with a powerful command from the Old Testament. "And you shall not go up by steps to my altar"(Exodus, XX, 26) prescribes the law of Yahweh.” The western Kabbalistic approach to the chakra system is top down, which compliments the oriental ojas-shakti transmutation of sexual energy into biomagnetism which is bottom up.

LaserEdu.org's mission to guide the New Age Knowledge Worker into being a Universally Educated Person with genuine integrity will therefore be accomplished through the Seven-Fold Star of the Magician which symbolizes the Seven Chakras, the 7 Liberal Arts and the New Clairvoyant Logic that is grounded in the 6th Chakra. Here are the Seven Areas of logical studies that we will be offering.

1. The Trivium: In College Composition and Reading: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric by Sister Miriam Joseph will be the historical foundation for the Systematic method of Critical thinking that started with Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, the Hebrews, the Egyptians and the Assyrians etc...Introduction to James Harris's Universal Grammar: Hermes. This open course ware will be supplemented with Sister Miriam's master treatment of Shakespeare's use of the Trivium as well as Dr. Michael Drout's (Director of the Wheaton College English department) approach to the Trivium as the "Tool to Rule" and his intro to Chomsky's Transformational Grammar. This open courseware will be hyperlinked to MIT OCW department of Linguistics. 


This foundation course will be interpreted and taught from the point of view of the Initiatic Tradition (The Masons with the original language of civilization dictated by Hel! DIEU, through Ananke's Prehistoric Visions of Initiation).  The Rosicrucians, the Hermeticist, the Kabbalist, the Magicians, the Theologians like St. Thomas Aquinas. With the Trivium discipline not only will we provide a critical assessment of the history of reason and reality, but we will empower our students with that universal grammatical competence that Dr. de la Ferriere exemplified (He was fluent in at least 26 languages). Introduction to the sacred alphabets: Hebrew, Sanscrit, Wattan, Templar etc)  Through this program we will introduce Dr. Raynaud de la Ferriere’s universal linguistic competence as the model for language acquisition in the New Era. Introduction to the Universal Grammar of Beauzee in French and the Hebrew Tongue Restored by Fabre d'Olivet (English and Hebrew). These courses lay the linguistic foundation for our inner work with the New Clairvoyant Logic.

2. Modern Logic @ MIT OCW: Formal and Symbolic: Logic 1 and 2, Modal logic. The Trivium in Computer Science: Intro to Digital Logic for Devices and Programming Languages. Quantum Photonics Logic for Lasers.

3.Transcendental Logic of Edmund Husserl, Abellio, Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Raynaud de la Ferriere’s Kabbalah. Introduction to Husserlian Logical Investigations with Professor Harry P. Reeder's book: The Theory and Practice of Husserl's Phenomenology. This Husserlian introduction will serve as a foundation for Raymond Abellio master Kabbalistic book: Introduction to a Theory of Biblical Numbers. This will serve as intro to the Quadrivium.

4. Study the Theory of Numbers at MIT 18.74 followed by numerological studies from the Black Book of FreeMasonry by dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere and his Psychological Proposals 

5.Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry @ MIT, followed with studies in Sacred geometry of Pythagoras and the Vibrational Science of the French Radioesthesia.

6.Music Theory of Numbers with Dr. Jocelyn Godwin and the French Esoteric Tradition.

7. Archeometry, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Astrology, Astrosophy and Cosmobiology with Dom Neroman, Yoga and the Astral-body experiences and interaction with the Etheric body, the Chi system of the Chinese and the practice of the Prana Vayu system of the Yoghis with the Mysterious Kundalini (Vagus Nerve) of Dr. Vasant Rele as it is taught by Dr. Raynaud de la Ferriere in his Yug Yoga Yoghism. Introduction to to Sanscrit. We will also introduce the Wim Hof method of Kumbhaka yoga practice with its Neuro-Endocrine and Immune system mastery of the body.

About Me

I, Carlos Concepcion, grew up in New York City but also spent significant parts of my childhood in my native country, Dominican Republic. Baseball was everything for any Dominican boy growing up in the 60’s and 70’s and I was no different. I started playing with the YMCA when I was 9 years old but I was part of a loser team that pretty much never had a chance. Eventually, at 13, I made it to a winning team with a great coach (Joe) that helped me become an MVP in 1972. This peak experience from my childhood has shaped my passion for understanding how to nurture greatness, both in myself and others. I became a vegetarian at 15 and a yoga practitioner and teacher at 16. That year I also made a transformative pilgrimage to Peru, joining 3000 yoga practitioners and jogging all the way up Machu Picchu. 50 years later, my major passions remain deepening my yoga practice and promoting the healing power of simple, whole, vegetarian foods. I’ve also spent the last several decades reading, translating and discussing the work of Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere, who I consider my guru. This focus led me to become certified in Biomagnetic Yoga Initiation from Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY), the Vethathiri Maharishi system which mirrors most closely the yoga proposed by de la Ferriere. I’m now living and working in the Dominican Republic, writing my book to promote universal education, “LaserEdulogics: Liberate Your Mind and Body With the Liberal Arts, Yoga and Kabbalah”.

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